Genus chlamydia includes four species, i.e. chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia psittaci, chlamydia pneumoniae andchlamydia pecorum. Chlamydia trachomatis can cause trachoma and genitourinary system infection,chlamydia pneumoniae and chlamydia psittaci can cause various respiratory infections, while chlamydia pecorum will not cause human infeciton. Chlamydia pneumoniae is more commonly seen in human respiratory infections than chlamydia psittaci, but people didn’t realize it is an important pathogen of respiratory tract infection until late 1980s. According to seroepidemiological survey, chlamydia pneumoniae infection of human beings is worldwide and positively correlated with population density.
This kit is applicable to in vitro qualitative detection of antibody to chlamydia pneumoniae in human serum/plasma/whole blood sample, and it’s used for auxiliary diagnosis of chlamydia pneumoniae infection. This kit only provides test results of IgM antibody to chlamydia pneumoniae, and results obtained shall be used in combination with other clinical information for analysis. This kit is for healthcare professionals.